Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Quincy Adams, 21 April 1779

To John Quincy Adams3

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy, April 21 1779

Dear Master Johnny

I am glad you have seen Brest and the fleet there. It must give you an Idea of the Naval force of this Kingdom, which you will long retain with Pleasure.

I caused the Letters you inclosed to me to be carefully delivered, but have not received Answers to be sent you.

Benjamin whom you so kindly remember would have been glad to hear of your Welfare; but he is gone to Geneva. As he is destined to live in a Protestant Country, & a Republic, I thought it best, to finish his Education, where the proper Principles prevail.4

I heartily wish you a good Voyage & happy sight of your Mama; being really your Affectionate friend


young M. Adams

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3In answer to his letter of April 12.

4BF reiterated to other correspondents his intention to make BFB a Presbyterian and a republican. See his letters of April 22 to Jane Mecom and June 3 to Sally Bache, below, and to Samuel Cooper, Dec. 9, 1780 (APS).

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