Jonathan Trumbull to the American Commissioners, 29 May 1778: résumé
Jonathan Trumbull to the American Commissioners9
LS: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress
<Hartford, May 29, 1778: This comes by Capt. Robert Niles of the Spy, a state schooner, who brings dispatches from Congress.1 Lead is in short supply here; please load as much on the Spy as the Captain thinks wise, and advance him what he needs for his expenses and wages.>
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
9. Published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 169–70. For Trumbull, governor of Connecticut, see the DAB.
1. The ratified treaties with France. Niles delivered his copies after a quick crossing, and was captured on the Spy’s return voyage: Sheldon S. Cohen, “Captain Robert Niles, Connecticut State Navy,” Amer. Neptune, XXXIX (1979), 202–4.