The Commerce Committee to the American Commissioners, 28 May 1778: résumé
The Commerce Committee to the American Commissioners2
LS:3 American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress
<York, May 28, 1778: This comes by Capt. Thomas Read of the Baltimore, which has a cargo of tobacco; it is consigned to John Daniel Schweighauser, who will send back on the ship such goods as you direct. The Deane, Henrietta, and Queen of France have arrived in Boston.4>
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
2. Published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 167–8.
3. The signers are the same as those in the committee’s previous letter, May 16.
4. For the cargoes of the last two see the note on Carmichael to BF above, May 14.