Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Allaire, 22 May 1778

From Peter Allaire4

ALS: University of Pennsylvania Library

Calais 22 May 1778


I this moment Arrived from England and profited by the Spanish Courier to Inform you that the Wind came to the Eastward yesterday morning about 11 Clock and all the fleet in the Downs got underway and was out [of] Sight in the Evening. The fleet of 12 Ships of the line laying at St. Helens I make no doubt are sailed.5 I have also sent you two News papers. I shall stay at Boulonge. Being with great Respect Your obedient humble Servant

P. Allaire

Addressed: Dr Benj Franklin / Passy

Notation: P. Allairy. 22 May 1778.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4A N.Y. merchant who had settled in London: XXIV, 470 n.

5Unless the fleet in the Downs was merchantmen, we have no idea what it was. The twelve of the line at St. Helen’s were the bulk of Byron’s squadron, which got under way on the 20th to join him at Plymouth: Courier de l’Europe, III (1778), 326.

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