From Benjamin Franklin to Mesny, 20 May 1778
To Mesny
ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Passy, May 20. 1778
I will take care of the 100 Copies of M. de la Fay’s excellent Work which you have sent me, and forward them to America by the first good Opportunity, where I am convinc’d they will be very useful. I shall put them into proper Hands for Sale, who will in due time render you an Account.4 I have the Honour to be very respectfully, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant
B Franklin
Addressed: A Monsr / Monsieur Mesny / à Paris
4. More than four years later Mesny pointed out that there had been no accounting. BF replied that he had packed the books in two shipments. One had been lost, and this he would pay for; the other he was keeping until the war was over and it could be safely sent. Sept. 6, 11, 1782, APS.