The American Commissioners to James Moylan, [3 May 1778]
The American Commissioners to James Moylan9
AL (draft):1 Library of Congress; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two)2
[May 3, 1778]
We receiv’d your several Letters of the 23d. and 30th of March, and the 15th and 17th of April. We are oblig’d to you for the Care you have taken respecting the Sick Man. We shall apply as you advise for the Discharge of Miggins, and hope to obtain it.
We have examined Mr. Bersolle’s Accts. and find them approv’d by Capt. Jones or his Officers, and as you have paid his Draft we shall repay you.3 But we wish that hereafter you would not engage us in any considerable Expence, without having received our Orders after acquainting us with the Occasion. We are &c.
Mr. Moylan
9. Published in Butterfield, John Adams Diary, IV, 88–9; we reprint the draft to indicate a change that BF made.
1. Undated and in BF’s hand.
2. One is Arthur Lee’s.
3. This sentence, in the margin of the draft, replaces another: “We have not yet had time to examine M. Bersolle’s Accounts, and not being good Judges of the Articles of Disbursement, we wish Capt. Jones or yourself had examined them, and signified your Opinion.”