Dumas to the American Commissioners, 23 April 1778: résumé
Dumas to the American Commissioners7
ALS: American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief
<Amsterdam, April 23, 1778, in French: I received your letter of the 10th on the 21st and forwarded it with its enclosures to the Grand Facteur. He promises, once I present the letter, to back me with his influence. I came here and found our friend [van Berckel] ready to help; he agreed with the Facteur that the letter is perfect and the time is ripe, and advised me what I should add verbally. I return the letter; do not change a word, but sign and seal it and send it back. As for your letter to me, I will put it to good use.8 When Holland’s delegation left the Stadholder he was annoyed with them for not increasing the army; they will meet at The Hague on May 6, and it would be helpful if I had the letter to present as soon as possible in the session.>
7. Published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 48–51.
8. I.e., the letter mentioned in the first sentence and summarized above, April 10, as I. All the other references to “the letter” are to that for van Bleiswijk, summarized there as III.