To Benjamin Franklin from the Maréchal-Duc de Mouchy, [before 23 April 1778]
From the Maréchal-Duc de Mouchy1
AL: American Philosophical Society
[Before April 23,2 1778]
J’accepte la proposition de Monsieur francklin pour jeudy 30 Avril et le prie de vouloir bien se charger de le dire a M. son fils, a M. Adams, et a M. Lée. Je lui en serai tres obligé
N. Mal. D. DE Mouchy3
1. Great-uncle of the marquise de Lafayette and one of the heads of the House of Noailles. His son, the Prince de Poix, had called on BF and Adams soon after the latter’s arrival and, finding them out, had left the note that is above under April 12.
2. The original invitation from the duc and duchesse, undated, had been for that day: APS. BF clearly asked for a week’s delay, and the party is here moved to the 30th. When the time came the commissioners, according to John Adams, found that their host lived in all the splendor of a viceroy. His guests were numerous, and among them was a lady whom the marquise de Lafayette, in some embarrassment, identified for Adams as the duc’s mistress. Butterfield, John Adams Diary, IV, 81–2.
3. [Philippe de] N[oailles] M[aréch]al D[uc] de Mouchy.