Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Ralph Izard, 4 April 1778

From Ralph Izard

ALS: American Philosophical Society; copy and two transcripts: National Archives; transcript: South Carolina Historical Society

Paris 4th. April 1778.


It is with reluctance that I find myself compelled to be again troublesome to you: Your conduct has given me great uneasiness. I have repeatedly complained to you, and you have several times verbally, and by Letter promised me an explanation of it.1 It is of great importance that I should have this satisfaction, and that it should no longer be delayed; you will therefore be so good as to write me by the Gentleman who is the Bearer of this, when I may expect you to comply with your promise. I must also request that you will give me in writing the reasons which at Chaillot you told me induced you to think that Congress did not intend I should have the alterations proposed in the Treaty of Commerce, communicated to me. This you assured me at the time should be done within a day, or two; and though several weeks have elapsed, I have heard nothing from you on the subject. I mention this matter to you now, because I have reason to believe my conversation with you has been misrepresented. If this has been done by mistake, I am desirous of having it corrected. I am Sir Your most Obedient humble Servant

Ra. Izard.

The Honble. Benjn. Franklin Esqr.

Addressed: To / The Honble. Benjn. Franklin Esqr. / at / Passy.

1Izard finally succeeded at the end of March in obtaining copies of the treaties but, still feeling aggrieved at the way BF had treated him, demanded an explanation in his letter of March 31. Although he says here that BF had given him a written promise of one, we have found nothing earlier than the conditional assurance in his reply, the note that follows.

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