To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse Conway, 22 March 1778
From the Comtesse Conway
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Auxerre 22 m[arch1] 1778
My dear father américain,
God Bess liberty! I drunk with all my heart to the republick of the united provinces, end to your dear health. I am prepared to my departure if you will, end if it possible. Give me I pray you leave to go. I shall be happy of to live under the Laws of venerable goodman richard. Adieu my dear father I am with the most respect end tenderness, your humble Servant end your daughter
D B F Conway
Addressed: à Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / ministre plenipotenciere / des provinces unies de / L’amerique / A passy
1. We assume from the opening sentences that she had just heard of the commissioners’ reception at court.