The American Commissioners to Jonathan Williams, Jr., 16 March 1778
The American Commissioners to Jonathan Williams, Jr.
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society
Paris 16th March 1778
The quantity of Stores you have on hand and the difficulty you find in shipping them induces us to accept of Mr. Monthieus proposal of taking his Goods out of the Mercury and loading intirely with the Stores of the public. Mr. Montieu has made that offer taking the same rate of Freight for the whole as was agreed for the quantity actually loaded already. We shall not be able to see Mr. Monthieu before the Post goes to Day, but shall be able to write you particularly by Wednesdays post.3 We are &c.
Mr Williams
3. The 18th. They doubtless did so, for on the 21st Deane told him that the orders had been sent: Deane Papers, II, 419. The next day Montieu was paid 255,000 l.t., and in May an additional 450,000 l.t.: Grand’s accounts (above, XXIV, 3), entries of March 20 and May 19.