Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Michael Hillegas, 24 February 1778

From Michael Hillegas

ALS: American Philosophical Society

York Town Feby. 24th. 1778.

Dear Sir

The Bearer Baron de Holzendorff not having been happy enough to obtain the Service which he expected and I doubt not Merited is returning to France.2

Permit me to Thank you for your favours of the 23d. of January 1777 per Mr. Lutterloh who as I understand is much esteemed, also for yours of the 7th of October last respecting Mr. McCreery and his Loan Office Notes &ca.3 I intend doing my self the Honor of writing you (as you request) in Answer to your last, which shall send with the Public dispatches which goe next.4 In the Mean time permit me to assure you That I am with greatest esteem and Regard Dear Sir Your most Obedient as well as most Affectionate Humble Servant

Ml. Hillegas

P.S. I forgot to mention That I’ve not yet had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Lutterloh, he having sent me the Letter. Whenever I shall see him, shall endeavour to shew him all the Civilities in my Power.
Doctor Franklin

Addressed: Honourable / Doctor Benja: Franklin / one of the American Ambassadors / at the Court of Versailles / Passy near Paris

Notation: Mc. Hillegas. Yorktwon. 24. fr. 1778.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2For the Baron see above, p. 384 n.

3Both BF’s letters are missing; the later one was clearly in answer to Hillegas’ above, XXIV, 329–30. We know nothing about McCreery’s notes; he discusses other problems in his letter above, Nov. 14. For Lutterloh see XXIII, 110–11 n.

4See Hillegas to BF below, March 17; in it he quotes a few words from BF’s lost letter of Oct. 7.

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