From Benjamin Franklin to Gérard, 24 February 1778
To Gérard
ALS: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères
Passy, Feb. 24. 1778.
Understanding that Reports have been spread at Versailles, of Treaties on foot in America between the Congress and the English Commissioners; or here between us and the English Ministry; I send you an American Newspaper of Decr. 19. by which you will see, in the Passages marked with a Pen, in what manner such Reports, and those who occasion them, are treated there. I send you also the only Correspondence I have had, which has any Relation to the same Subject here7 that you may judge of the Credit due to Such Reports. I have the Honour to be, with great Esteem and Respect, Sir Your most obedient humble Servant
B Franklin
Addressed: A Monsr / Monsieur Gerard / Secretaire de la Conseil du Roy, / à Versailles
7. The enclosure with marked passages was the Boston Independent Chronicle and Universal Advertiser. The correspondence was doubtless that with Hartley, which the commissioners had promised Gérard in their note two days before.