To Benjamin Franklin from John Risdel, 19 February 1778: résumé
From John Risdel2
ALS: American Philosophical Society
<St. Malo, February 19, 1778: I served on the Reprisal for twenty months and was then in hospital for three. I am not yet able to do hard work, and lack clothes and cash; wages and prize money are due me. Please send me either money or a draft on a St. Malo merchant; I am in great need of help.>
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
2. A seaman left behind when Wickes sailed the previous September: Clark, Wickes, p. 376. Risdel was in line for passage home the following October (Deane Papers, II, 188), but must have been too ill to leave; we have found no indication that anything more was done for him.