Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Johann Bartholomäus Rogler, 20 January 1778

From Johann Bartholomäus Rogler2

ALS: American Philosophical Society

A l’hôtel d’Anjou rüe Dauphine, fauxb: St. Germain
Paris the 20th. of Jan: 1778.

Honourd Sir,

When I lately had the Honour to deliver Mr. Webb’s letter, you were So kind as to give me Leave to wait once more upon you, and to introduce my travelling Companion to the honour of your Acquaintance. Since that time I have been twice at Passy, but Business had always call’d you to town, and as I think that they will rather encrease at the present juncture of affairs, I Shou’d be very glad to hear, which of the two Days, next Friday or Saturday, wou’d be the most convient for you to allow us a quarter of an hour to pay you a Short visit; or if any other day, except next Sunday, Shou’d be more agreeable to you, we are entirely at your Orders, and you may freely dispose of your most humble and most obedient Servant

J.B. Rogler.

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin Esq: / at / Passy. / dans la maison de Mr. Rey de Chaumont.

Notation: Rogler

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Identified in the annotation of Webb to BF above, Dec. 25.

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