Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Courtney Melmoth, [8 January 1778]

From Courtney Melmoth

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Thursday Evg: Paris [January 8, 1778]


Mr. Dubourg yesterday gave me a second notice that you were to meet him and some other Company at Mr. Jeaneux’s to day. Upon my going to that Gentleman’s I found some Ladies and other Persons waiting the same Pleasure as myself, viz: that of seeing Dr: Franklin.7 Mr. Jeaneux beg’d I would inform you of his earnest wishes to see you upon an electrical subject, &c. He will observe with great exactness your next appointment, which if sent to me at Mr. Le Bruns Rue Jacob, I have promis’d to forward to Rue d’Enfer the Instant I receive it. I have the Honour to be Sir Your most obedient Servant

C Melmoth

Addressed: Dr: Franklin.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7BF and Dubourg were setting out for the appointment when Deane’s valet appeared to say that his master was waiting for the Doctor at Passy, and BF set off at once to join his colleague. He would return to town the following Tuesday and Wednesday, and something could doubtless be arranged then. [Dubourg to Jeuneux], no date but before Jan. 10, APS.

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