Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from James Hutton, 4 January 1778

From James Hutton

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Jan. 4. 1778.

My dear Old Friend

Here is a Letter for Mr. Nathanael Seidel in Bethlehem, whom you know.3 You will be so kind as to read it, and if you do not dislike it, you will send it. Only I think your Packet should have lead about it, to be sunk in case of attack. Always.

I calld to see you before I went, but no body was stirring. I calld at Mr. Grants and was sorry to find He was not well. He was however better to day than yesterday. I could not see him. I saw Du Pont, who has really a bad Cough that allarms me.4 I am Your most obliged humble Servant


Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / Maison de Mr Rey de / Chaumont / Passy.

Notation: Hutton Jan. 4. 78

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Bishop of the American Moravians, with whom BF had had some correspondence in 1775: above, XXII, 55–8.

4Georges Grand had known Hutton well years before and had introduced him to his brother Ferdinand “Grant,” who received him most hospitably. Du Pont de Nemours was another old friend of Hutton. Stevens, Facsimiles, XXI, no. 1817, p. 1; Hutton to Grand, June 16, 1778, APS; Fortescue, Correspondence of George Third, III, 503.

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