From Benjamin Franklin to Rolandeau, 4 January 1778
To Rolandeau6
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Paris, Jan. 4, 1778
I can no otherwise give an Order for your Passage gratis, than by giving an Order to our Correspondent to pay the Money for you on my Account, which seems too much to be reasonably expected of me. And as you left the Service of the States in America without Leave, to come home upon your own private Affairs, it seems right that you should be at the whole Expence of your Voyage, and not put them to Charges arising wholly from your Irregularity; which it is sufficient if they excuse. I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant
B. Franklin
M. Rolandeau
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Rolandeau / Officier, chez M. Dessan, Capitaine, / Ruë St. Jambes / à Bordeaux
6. On Dec. 23 the young man had written to thank BF for the certificate above, Dec. 13, and to request an order on Delap for free passage; he had paid for his trip to France, and might well not have enough to pay for his return. APS.