Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Courtney Melmoth, [8 December? 1777]

From Courtney Melmoth2

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Monday Morng: [December 8?, 17773]


I took the first opportunity, after my Arrival in Paris from the Country, to wait on the worthy Mr. Dubourg. He mention’d his having offer’d to your Inspection, Sir, a little hasty Ode that was addressed to you. When I avow myself the Author of that Copy of Verses, it is merely in the Hope that it may discover enough of my Heart and my Wishes to induce you to gratify the Ambition I have of telling you in Person, with how much Veneration and Sincerity I am Sir Your most obedient Servant.

Courtney Melmoth

Caffe Anglois, Chez Monsieur Le Brun Rue Jacob Fauxbourg St. Germain.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Samuel Jackson Pratt’s pseudonym; see our note on Dubourg to BF above, under Dec. 5.

3This guess at the date follows from guessing another, that of Dubourg’s note just cited, which enclosed the ode with which Melmoth here introduces himself. His letter has to be in December, because it clearly preceded by some time his next one below, Jan. 6, and we choose as usual the earliest possible date.

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