Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 2 December 1777
Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Nantes Decr 2 1777
Honorable Gentlemen,
By my Letter to day I am in expectation of Dispatches for Young which may perhaps be sent off before you receive the last important Express.8 I take the earliest opportunity to inform you that it will be my wish, in that case, to detain Capt. Youngs dispatches ’till I hear from you supposing you will choose to make some addition to them, and I request that you will favour me with an immediate order either to detain Capt. Youngs letters ’till further orders, or to send him off immediately, as to you may seem best. I have the honour to be with the greatest Respect Your most obedient Servant
J Williams J
The Hon. Commrs of the United States.
Addressed: The Honble The Commissioners / of the United States / Passy.
Notation: Jon Williams Nantes Decr 2 1777
8. JW’s letter must have been one from the commissioners, now lost, to tell him that their dispatch above of Nov. 30 was on its way; the express, also of the 30th, was JW’s to introduce Austin with his momentous news.