Benjamin Franklin Papers

The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American Commissioners, 8 November 1777

The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American Commissioners

Two ALS:5 American Philosophical Society; copies: University of Virginia Library,6 Library of Congress, National Archives

York Town Pensylvania Novr. 8th. 1777


At the Time this will be delivered to you, Bills of Exchange will also be presented for your acceptance drawn by the Honble. Henry Laurens Esqr. of Charlestown S. Carolina who was elected President of the continental Congress on the first day of this month; of which we thought proper to give you this early information that you may duely honor his Draughts, the particulars of which we shall forward speedily by another opportunity, concluding with much Regard Gentlemen Your most humble Servants

Richard Henry Lee
James Lovell

Honble Messrs. Franklin Deane & Lee

Addressed: Honorable / Messrs: Franklin Deane & Lee / Commissioners from the United States / of America / Paris

Notations in different hands: Comittee of Foreign Affairs Novr 8. 77 / Shewn me by Dr Franklin the 18th of March 1778 A. Lee

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5Both are in Lovell’s hand. We print the one that was received first; the other has BF’s endorsement: “Committee of Congress rec’d May 18, 1778 a former of same Date and Import, was receiv’d in January, but the Acct of Bills not yet come to hand.”

6In Lee’s hand with his note: “Shewn to me by Dr. Franklin the 18 of March 1778. A. Lee.” On the back is an unsigned promissory note from the commissioners, in French and dated Jan. 1, 1778, to pay the bearer 2,400 l.t. on Jan. 1, 1783; see Grand’s letter below, before Feb. 1.

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