To Benjamin Franklin from Silas Deane, 23 October 1777
From Silas Deane
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Passy 23d: Octo. 1777
Dear Sir
I go to Town this Evening to a Rendezvous with Messrs. Chaumont and Holker. The latter will be very much obliged to You for the Letters You promised him, he wishes to set out tomorrow morning.1 Docr. Bancroft is returned.2 Inclosed is a Letter from Thornton3 and with this I leave You the Papers, and am Dear Sir Your most Obedient, and Very humble Servant
S. Deane
Addressed: To / The Honle. B Franklin Esq.
Notation: Mr. S. Deane
1. Jean Holker fils was a major contractor for uniforms: above, XXIV, 122. The phrasing suggests that he was setting out immediately for America with his letters of recommendation, but in fact he did not sail until the beginning of 1778; see the note on BF to Hancock below, Dec. 4.
2. For his trip see our note on his letter to the commissioners above, Oct. 3.
3. Presumably still on his travels; see his letter above, Oct. 4.