Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Le Coeur: Bill for the Schooling of Benjamin Franklin Bache, 20 October 1777

From ——— Le Coeur: Bill for the Schooling of Benjamin Franklin Bache9

AD: American Philosophical Society

[October 20, 1777]

Les deux quartiers de Pension de Mr. Benjamin franklin échus
le quatre du présent 254 l.t.
plus un habit uniforme tout compris 98.10
6 paires de bas de cotton a 50 s. font 15   
un Chapeau 6   
neuf paires de souliers 36   
pour les semaines1 17.10
pour le Perruquier 9   
Livres de Classes 3   
439 l.t.

J’ai reçu de Monsieur franklin Les deux quartiers de Pension de Mr. Benjamin échus Le quatre du présent et le montant du present memoire dont je quitte Mon dit Sieur a Passy Le Vingt Octobre Mil Sept Cent Soixante dix Sept

Le Coeur

Endorsed: Account of Ben’s Schooling

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9We rarely print bills, but this one is revealing enough to warrant an exception. The amounts are all in l.t. BFB started his school or pension (the words were used synonymously) in January with M. d’Hourville: above, XXIII, 112 n. The move to Le Coeur, to judge by the first entry, must have been made made three months later, perhaps because the curriculum was broader; the school taught Greek, Latin, and French, dancing, music, and drawing: Butterfield, John Adams Diary, II, 301; IV, 58.

1BFB’s weekly allowances.

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