Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Henri Walter, 15 October 1777: résumé

From Henri Walter

ALS: American Philosophical Society

<Hildesheim in lower Saxony, October 15, 1777, in French: We have all kinds of cloth, which we send to Spain, Portugal, Holland, Norway, and England; the sizes range from twenty to sixty ells, and the price for the former from one and two-thirds to ten pfennigs according to quality. I should be glad to come to Paris with my samples.2>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Having heard nothing he wrote again on Dec. 8, enclosing some samples with their prices and offering a fuller exposition of his wares. This letter he sent by way of one Gaspard Morel, a Dunkirk wine merchant, who forwarded it on Dec. 19 with a covering note of his own and a list of his wines. APS.

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