Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 11 October 1777
Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners
ALS: University of Virginia Library
Nantes Octor 11. 1777.
Honorable Gentlemen
I send inclosed the agreement made with the proposed Captain of the Lion4 which I request you to sign your approbation of and return by the next post. The Sum is as small a one as I could possibly agree for, and I hope you will not think it too much. When 5 and 6000 Livres has been given, this does not seem very extravagant. The articles relative to the recommendation of him to Congress I hope you will comply with, as I believe it is that circumstance that has induced him to take 2400 Livres, and from the Character of the Man and what I can observe I realy think him deserving. The impossibility of getting the Vessell to sea without a French Captain will be a Reason with you for my acquiesing in these Conditions if any of them should appear unreasonable. I have the honour to be with great Respect Gentlemen Your most obedient and most humble Servant
J Williams J
The Honble The Commissioners of The United States.
Addressed: The Honble. / The Commissioners of / The United States.
Notation: Mr. Williams 11 Octr. 1777 to Hon: Comrs. U.S.
4. See the commissioners’ letter of November 15, below. Deane’s reply on October 19 assumed that the agreement applied to a captured brig, at the moment called the Two Brothers, that JW was fitting out as a merchantman; the agreement was approved, and BF would forward it: Deane Papers, II, 196–7. We have found no record of the document itself.