Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre-Marin Beaugeard, [before 1 September? 1777]

From Pierre-Marin Beaugeard

AL: American Philosophical Society

[Before September 1, 1777?6]

M. Beaugeard, Tresorier des Etats de Bretagne, prie Messieurs Francklin Pere et fils de lui faire l’honneur de venir diner chez lui lundi prochain premier septembre.

Reponse s’il vous plait.

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin Maison de / M. Le Ray de Chaumont / A Passy pres Paris

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6The year could alternatively be 1783, but 1777 is more plausible because the commissioners were then dealing with the writer’s firm; see BF to Deane above, July 11.

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