Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from O’Reilly de Quane, 26 July 1777: résumé

From O’Reilly de Quane2

ALS: American Philosophical Society

<Abbaye de St. Martin, Aumale, July 26, 1777, in French: I have long been one of your most constant admirers [he gives the reasons at great length] and one of the warmest friends of your cause; in this I take after my Irish father, an intrepid defender of justice. I cannot, because of my calling, shed my blood for the Americans, as I otherwise should to the last drop. But I have done what I can with my pen, by translating the Considerations on the Measures Carrying on with Respect to the British Colonies in North America,3 which seems to have predicted what has happened by showing the injustice and folly of the present war. The translation is now finished, although I lost the manuscript when I left my post as English teacher in the military school at Beaumont.4 May I dedicate my work to you?>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2He signs himself as a member of the congregation of St. Maur, which was a group of reformed Benedictines that produced a large number of historical scholars; see Larousse, Dictionnaire universel under Maur. A covering note in English and dated Aug 6 (APS), presumably from his sister, asks for a reply directed to Mlle. de Quane, Bâtiment des Dames de la Visitation, Rue St. Jacques, Paris: she will forward it.

3By Matthew Robinson, Lord Rokeby; it was published in London in 1774 and went through five editions within the year.

4One of twelve that were opened in 1776; see Léon Mention, L’Armée de l’ancien régime ... (Paris, n.d.), pp. 87–9.

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