Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Archibald Douglas, 12 [July] 1777

From Archibald Douglas

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Cherbourgh Saturday [July] 12th. 1777


This comes to let you know, that I am determined to proceed on an other Cruise if your honour will grant me a Commission; as our people are Stagnated at the thoughts of travelling through the Country to other Ports, not being sure that there are any ships there that will take them on board. I hear that Capt. Weeks who lay in St. Maloes was fitted and ready for Sailing the 9th. of this Instant, and I see no other way for us to take than to Cruise in the said privateer.3 We sold the prize on the ninth of this month; they promissed to pay us by Articles of agreement as soon as the Agreement was made; but we have not receiv’d any yet nor can we tell when we shall; they say now they will pay us as soon as the Vessel goes out of the harbour, but we dont know when she is to go out. Mr. Delumphry [Dulongprey] intends to stop the owners money in his own hands, I should be very much obliged to your honour to Instruct me in what form I shall be safe in chusing for the Owners Agent. Mr. Delumphry sold the prize for 22000 Livres and directly after I aplied to Mr. Droit [Drouet] (who has proved to be our friend) and he got a Gentleman in a very little time that gave a Thousand Livrs more and if I had stay’d one day longer I should have got 4000 Livres more: so that Mr. Delumphry has not stood our friend as much as I expected in regard of getting a market for the prize. I hope your honour will excuse the last letter I sent4 for I was not certain what I was going to do at that time; our Vessel is all ready victualled and maned waiting for nothing but your honours granting a Commission. Your humble Servant

Archibald Douglas

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Wickes was not ready to leave and was not going on a cruise; another two months elapsed before he sailed for home. JW had promised Douglas, in a letter on the 8th that had clearly not yet arrived, to secure his crew passage home from Nantes within the next three weeks: JW letterbook, Yale University Library.

4Above, June 18.

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