To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas & Mallet, 4 July 1777: résumé
From Dumas & Mallet9
LS: American Philosophical Society
<Geneva, July 4, 1777, in French: Republicans are always interested in new republicans: common principles bind them together, and the heart approves. If commercial interests are also shared, the bond becomes a chain between two worlds. Our firm offers silk cloth, woolen stockings, clocks, and other articles, to be sent either to Frédéric Romberg & fils at Ostend or to Gamba & Archdeacon at Dunkirk, but will have nothing to do with ocean transport while the British are so active in intercepting ships.>
9. This is our only letter from the firm, which we cannot definitely identify. Dumas was presumably Ami Dumas (Lüthy, Banque protestante, II, 584 n), but the Mallet clan was so widespread in Geneva that we cannot be sure of his associate.