To Benjamin Franklin from ――― Berthon, 1 July 1777
From ––– Berthon7
ALS: American Philosophical Society
No. 298 A. Bruxselle le 1 Juillet 1777.
Vous ette priez Monsieur, de vouloirre avoir la Bonte de fairre parvenire L’incluse a son adraisse. Vous obligerré celui a l’honneur d’ettre avec la plus hautes concideracion Monseiur votre tres humbles et tres obessant serviteur
Si Mr Sayre n’etoit pas en france on vous suplie de renvoÿer cette Lettre Rue de la paille No 298. a Bruxselle.8
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Frankelin / Docteur en Medecine / a Passÿ / Proche / Paris
7. We have found no trace of him, or of the letter he was enclosing for Sayre. A second brief note from him on July 15 makes clear that the enclosure mentioned here was from a “Mr. P.,” and asks whether it had been sent on. BF apparently replied that it had been, and another letter went by the same route during the summer; for on Sept. 18 Berthon (who by this time signed himself “de Maisonneuve”) thanked him for forwarding the two and enclosed a third. These two later notes, from the same Brussels address, are also in the APS.
8. Stephen Sayre had gone to Berlin with Arthur Lee and stayed there after Lee’s return.