To Benjamin Franklin from Turgot, Baron de l’Aulne, 27 June 1777
From Turgot, Baron de l’Aulne
AL: American Philosophical Society
Ce vendredy 27 Juin [1777]
M. Turgot fait ses complimens a Monsieur franklin et prie Messieurs francklin de lui faire l’honneur de diner chés lui Jeudy prochain 3 Juillet.8
Response s.v.p.
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur francklin / A Passy / près La Barrière.
8. BF attended the dinner, for his host got news from him and reported it a few hours after the party: Joseph Ruwet, ed., Lettres de Turgot à la duchesse d’Enville ... (Louvain and Leiden, 1976), p. 105. Turgot had long admired BF, and a year earlier had written the famous sestet for his portrait: Schelle, uvres de Turgot, V, 494, 647. As far as we know the two men had first met in March, 1777 (above, XXIII, 479n), and had subsequently been invited together to meet Joseph II; see BF’s note on Niccoli’s letter above, May 26.