To Benjamin Franklin from the Vicomte de Sarsfield, [14 June 1777]
From the Vicomte de Sarsfield6
AL: American Philosophical Society
Ce Samedi. [June 14, 1777?7]
M. le Vicomte de Sarsfield prie Monsieur Francklin de lui faire l’honneur de diner chez lui Jeudi prochain 19. Juin.
Il espere que Monsieur son fils lui fera le même honneur.
Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur Francklin / a Passi.
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
6. The younger brother of BF’s old acquaintance, the Count; see above, XXIII, 231 n.
7. The earliest time after BF’s arrival when June 19, the date of the dinner, fell on a Thursday. The year could equally well be 1783.