Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Nicolas Ruault, 3 June 1777

From Nicolas Ruault4

LS: American Philosophical Society

Paris le 3 de juin 1777.

Ruault a l’honneur de saluer Monsieur franklin et de lui envoyer les six exemplaires de ses oeuvres traduites qu’il lui a demandées l’autre jour.

Le prix de chaque est de 12 l.t. broché.

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / à Passy.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4A well known Parisian publisher and bookseller. Four months earlier he had brought out the Œuvres de Bernard Palissy ..., with a dedication to BF in the form of a letter. Now he was printing Antoine-François Quétant’s translation of “The Way to Wealth,” La Science du Bonhomme Richard, ou Moyen facile de payer les impôts. The venture was an instant success, and went through four editions in two years. Alfred O. Aldridge, Franklin and His French Contemporaries, (New York, 1957), pp. 41–3, 64–5.

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