Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Silas Deane, [2 June? 1777]

From Silas Deane

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Monday Morning [June 2?, 1777]

Dear Sir

I send inclosed all the Papers that came To hand, also a Letter from Mr. Bingham5 by which I find the Cargo from Havre in the Ship in which Davis went passanger was arrived at Martinico and I hope by this the whole is safely Landed on the Continent. I am ever Dear Sir most respectfully Your very Humble Servant

S Deane

Hon. Mr Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5On June 7 the commissioners, in a letter now lost, answered the one from Bingham that Deane is enclosing: Deane Correspondence, pp. 81–2, 110. We assume that Deane had the letter by the previous Monday.

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