To Benjamin Franklin from Barbeu-Dubourg, 25 May 1777
From Barbeu-Dubourg
AL: American Philosophical Society
A Paris ce 25 may 1777
Dubourg a l’honneur de souhaiter le bonjour a Monsieur Franklin et le supplie d’accorder une audience favorable a Mr. Coder8 dont il lui a deja parlé plusieurs fois, pour qui Mrs. Turgot, de Francés et de Beaumont s’interessent,9 et qui a divers modeles d’habillement &c. a lui faire voir qui semblent meriter une attention speciale.
Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Passy
Notation: dubourg / 25 May 77
8. The only surviving document that relates to Coder’s affairs, between his letter to BF above under March 7 and this note, is a letter from him to Dubourg of March 21 with two enclosures (APS). The letter extolled the virtues of his friend Caÿrol (above, XXIII, 441 n), for whose services Russia and Spain were vying, and asked for an interview with BF. The enclosures were from Caÿrol, a letter reiterating his desire to emigrate to America and a petition, describing his troubles, that had been transmitted to the King.
9. Coder had added Castries, Malesherbes, and Soubise to this list in his letter above, XXIII, 441.