From Benjamin Franklin to Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Dumas, 12 May 1777
To Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Dumas
Reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution ... (12 vols., Boston, 1829–30), IX, 317–18.
Passy, near Paris, May 12th, 1777.
Last night we received a packet from North America with some advices, of which I send you the substance.9 I see your letters now and then to Mr. Deane and Mr. Carmichael, and thank you for the kind mention made of me in them. I am so bad a correspondent, that I do not desire a letter from you directly. But I am nevertheless, with great esteem, dear Sir, your affectionate friend,
B. Franklin.
P.S. I suppose Mr. Deane has sent you the bill.1
9. See the following document. Dumas had the material published in the Gaz. de Leyde, sup., May 23, p. [4].
1. Indeed he had, more than a month before; it was a payment of 1,000 florins. Deane Papers, II, 36.