Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Silas Deane, [3 April? 1777]

From Silas Deane

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Thursday Morning [April 3?, 1777]


I think it will be Necessary To have a Copy of the Contract with Mr. Chaumont sent to Mr. Williams and also to the Secret Committee.9 As you have [torn] Original I wish they may be made out to go by the Express. I am Sir Your most Obedient and very humble Servant

S Deane

Addressed: To / The Honl / Benja Franklin Esqr / [illegible] Passy

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9The copy of the contract with Chaumont of April 1, for which Deane is asking, was finally sent to JW with the commissioners’ letter below of May 1, which was a Thursday. He could conceivably have made this request of BF early that morning, but a much more likely time is some Thursday in April. We assign it to the earliest one according to our practice.

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