To Benjamin Franklin from the Baron de Würmser, 22 March 1777
From the Baron de Würmser3
AL: American Philosophical Society
A Paris ce 22 mars 1777
Mr. Le Baron De Wurmser Lieutenant général des armées du roy prie Monsieur Le Docteur Frankelin de vouloir bien lui donner demain dimanche 23 mars une audience de cinq minutes. Il se rendra ches lui a Passy entre 10 et 11 heures du matin.4
Il auroit eu L’honneur de lui demander son jour s’il n’etoit pas obligé de passer la Semaine prochaine a Versailles.
3. Christian-Louis, baron de Würmser, was a man of some distinction, lieutenant general since 1762 and now commanding the régiment d’Alsace. He had been one of the first recipients of a military order of merit created in 1759 for foreign officers who, as Protestants, were ineligible for the order of Saint-Louis. Etat militaire de France . . . for 1777, pp. 75, 228; Léon Lecestre, Liste alphabétique des officiers généraux jusqu’en 1762 (Paris, 1903), p. 108; Mazas, Ordre de Saint-Louis, I, 498–500.
4. He was delayed by pressing business, and wrote to BF the next day to postpone the interview to seven that evening. APS.