To Benjamin Franklin from La Rochefoucauld, [before 24 February 1777]
From La Rochefoucauld
LS: American Philosophical Society
Thursday evening [before Feb. 24, 17778]
Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld pays his respectful compliments to Doctor franklyn and beggs from him the favour of having for few moments the Minutes of the Convention held at Philadelphia for the Pennsylvanian Legislation. He wants of them for seeing and adding to his translation the subscriptions which are at the end of the Minutes, and which are not in the edition in 8°.9
Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur le Docteur franklyn
8. The Duke’s translation, for which he wants information, appeared under that date in Affaires de l’Angleterre et de l’Amérique, IV, cahier XVII, lx-cxxi.
9. What the Duke wished to see was Minutes of the Proceedings of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania . . . (Philadelphia, 1776); what he had was The Constitution of the Common-Wealth of Pennsylvania, as Established by the General Convention Elected for That Purpose . . . (Philadelphia, 1776). Neither gave the names of the members who subscribed themselves; the Minutes had a note, which La Rochefoucauld included, that all did so.