Benjamin Franklin Papers

Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners, 16 February 1777

Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Nantes Feb. 16. 1777.


The inclosed is from Mr. Lee who set off this Morning, for Bourdeaux. The Dispatches &c. went with Mr. Morris to paimbeuf yesterday and are I hope by this time on board. I have the pleasure to inform you that an american Frigate supposed to be Capt. Weeks has sent a prize laden with Codfish into l’orient;3 This news comes by a Gentleman who arrivd from thence yesterday, so have no reason to doubt of its truth, but we must wait for the post tomorrow for confirmation.

I shall go to Paimbeuf tomorrow to put every thing in the most expeditious Train. It is strange that Mr. Peltier has not yet recvd. orders from Mr. Montieu relative to the purchase of the Goods to compleat the Cargo. Please to enquire into this for without such orders I apprehend it will be difficult to execute the Business. I hope you will excuse me mentioning once more that Charts are not to be had here and that 3 Weeks is the extent of Time that I allow myself to dispatch the Ship.4 Mr. Montaudouin has recvd. a Letter from Cadiz dated 28 January which mentions that a Ship in 26 Days from Martinique brings news that the Americains have gained a great advantage over the English. I have the Honor to be with great Respect Gentlemen Your most obedient Servant

J Williams

The Honorable The Deputies of the United States

Notation: Jon Williams Nantes Feby 16. 77

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3The Polly and Nancy had appeared off the port some time before Feb. 13. Clark, Wickes, p. 132.

4She was the Comte de Vergennes, soon to be rechristened La Thérèse.

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