Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from [Duportail], [12 February? 1777]

From [Duportail]

AL: American Philosophical Society

[February? 12, 17772]


D’après ce que vous m’avèz fait l’honneur de me mander je me rendray aujourdhuy 12 du courant chèz vous entre six et sept heures du soir. J’ai l’honneur d’etre etc.

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur francklin à l’hotel / de hambourg / rüe jacob / A paris.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2The note reveals the day of the month. Duportail’s negotiations with the American commissioners began on Dec. 19, and by March he was in Nantes; hence he must have been writing in January or February. His letters above of Jan. 12 and 16 give no indication of an interview with BF or any reason for one. On Feb. 12 there was ample reason: to discuss the formal agreement signed the next day.

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