Benjamin Franklin Papers

The American Commissioners to Thomas Morris, 30 January 1777

The American Commissioners to Thomas Morris

Copy: National Archives; copy: University of Virginia Library; AL (draft): Library of Congress6

Paris. Jan. 30th. 1777.


We are inform’d that the Cargoes at Nantes, have been disposed of some time past, yet we are still without any remittance from you. The Congress directed you to pay Mr. Dean for the purposes of our Embassy the sum of ten Thousand pounds; this you must consider as the first and most Important obligation of that kind on you; we therefore must urge your immediate Complying with this order of Congress, and that you remit to Mr. Dean this sum for our use. We have many occasions for money in the public service besides our subsistence, and7 can by no means consider any partial or temporary supplies in that way as adequate to our purpose: Mr. Gruel, Mr. Montandoin or Mr. Schweighauser will undertake to remit the money hither, immediately on its being lodg’d in either of their hands, as we shall direct. We expect your answer by the first post, and are Sir, Your most obedient humble Servants

B Franklin
Silas Deane
Arthur Lee

Paris Janvier 30e. 1777. Endorsed:8 B. Franklin &ca.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6The two copies are in the same hand and identical; the copyist noted that the original, now lost, was in BF’s hand. The draft is Silas Deane’s; it is dated Jan. 28 and lacks, as noted below, one clause in the letter as sent.

7The preceding clause is omitted in the draft, which reads “We can by no means,” etc.

8The copyist noted that this was in Morris’ hand.

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