Benjamin Franklin Papers

Barbeu-Dubourg to the American Commissioners, 23 January 1777

Barbeu-Dubourg to the American Commissioners

AL: American Philosophical Society

23e. jr. 1777.

Dubourg a l’honneur de souhaiter le bonjour a Monsieur Franklin, Monsieur Deane et Monsieur Lee; et les supplie d’accorder une audience favorable a M. Bayard qui a des objets importans a leur communiquer, et sur l’honneteté et la solidité duquel ils peuvent compter avec la plus parfaite assurance.2

Notation: Notes of no Consequence

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Bayard & Cie. was a Parisian firm of bankers and cloth merchants located at the Cloître Sainte-Opportune: Almanach des marchands, p. 373. This note suggests that Dubourg was already beginning his venture into supplying textiles and weapons, first mentioned in his letter to the commissioners above, under Dec. 21.

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