To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas-Antoine de Mauduit, Chevalier du Plessis, [c. 11 January? 1777]
From Thomas-Antoine de Mauduit, Chevalier du Plessis8
AL: American Philosophical Society
[c. January 11?, 17779]
De Mauduit Chevalier du plessis, Lieutenant au corps royal d’artillerie, agé de 22 ans, né au plessis près Lorient en bretagne brûle d’envie de passer chez les insurgens, il demande le même traitement qu’on a dejà fait aux officiers de son grade qui y sont passé.
Depuis près de 8 ans il sert, au corps royal, s’est beaucoup appliqué a son métier, et se flate que ses generaux sont satisfaits de son zele.
Il jouit d’une excellente santé, et est habitué a toutes sortes de fatigues ayant déjà voyagé pendant 20 mois en europe, asie et afrique. Le jeune homme a si bonne volonté de bien faire, qu’il desireroit voir doubler son existence, pour les perdre au service d’une nation à qui il jure le plus entier devouement; le chevalier de Mauduit voudroit pouvoir exprimer dignement tout ce qu’il pense, mais il a le coeur si plein que lui seul a fait les frais de ce qu’il écrit dans ce moment-ci. Il éprouve combien l’esprit est muet quand le coeur parle.
Addressed in another hand: A Mr le docteur franclin / de boston / a l’hôtel d’hambourg rue jacob / fauxbourg st germain
Notation: Memoire sur le Sieur Mauduit
8. The chevalier (c. 1754–91) ran away from the artillery school at Grenoble, at the age of twelve, with two friends; they shipped as cabin boys to the Near East and came down with fever at Alexandria, where his companions died. He made his way to Constantinople, the French Ambassador sent him home, and he resumed his military training. Balch, French in America, II, 176–8. He went to America as a volunteer at his own expense, served with distinction in the Philadelphia campaign, and was breveted lieutenant colonel by Congress in January, 1778: JCC, X, 64. He sent a copy of the Congressional resolution, with thanks for BF’s good offices and a request to pass on thanks to those who had recommended him: to BF, May 4, 1778, APS.
9. Du Plessis was in Nantes by Jan. 21, and clearly had by then BF’s endorsement (see JW to BF below, Jan. 21, 27); we assume that he took ten days or so to obtain it, wind up his affairs, and reach Nantes. Support from the marquis de Courtanvaux may have facilitated his acceptance. At about this time Courtanvaux informed BF, through Dubourg, that he had equally good things to say about another artillery officer; Dubourg’s note, undated and unsigned but identifiable by the handwriting, is in the APS. So is a note in Du Plessis’ hand, giving his Paris address and saying that Dubourg and Courtanvaux have already spoken well of him.