Benjamin Franklin Papers

The American Commissioners to Vergennes, 5 January 1777

The American Commissioners to Vergennes

AL:2Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères

Versailles Jany. 5th 1777. 6, OClock in the Evening

Dr. Franklin, Mr. Dean, and Mr. Lee, present their most respectful Complimts. to the Count de Vergennes; and request an audience of his Excellency, to-morrow morning, at such hour as he shall be pleas’d to appoint.

Notation: 1777. Janvier 5.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2In BF’s hand according to Stevens (Facsimiles, VI, no. 613), but actually in Arthur Lee’s. We have silently supplied from Stevens a word obscured in the MS as now bound. For the background of the commissioners’ request see the headnote on their earlier letter to Vergennes of the same date.

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