Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Hugh Fergusson, [26 December? 1776]

From Henry Hugh Fergusson

ALS: American Philosophical Society

[December 26?, 177610]

An Express arrived last night to Lord Stormont with an account of a defeat of the americans, the English said to have lost 200 men, to have taken 74 pieces of Cannon and at the time the news came off a party of the Americans consisting of 1400 said to be surrounded in fort Washington.

H. Fergusson

The affair said to have happened the 24 octor.

Addressed: Doctor Franklin

Notation: Ferguson

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

10On Dec. 20 Lord Weymouth sent Stormont the news that the Americans had abandoned their lines at Kings Bridge; on Dec. 25 the Ambassador acknowledged the letter: Stevens, Facsimiles, XIV, nos. 1398, 1401. Although Weymouth did not mention Fort Washington, the arrival of his dispatch must have precipitated this note.

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