Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to William Temple Franklin, 28 September 1776

To William Temple Franklin

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Philada. Sept. 28. 1776

Dear Tempe

I hope you will return hither immediately, and that your Mother will make no Objection to it, something offering here that will be much to your Advantage if you are not out of the Way.4 I am so hurried that I can only add Ever your affectionate Grandfather

B Franklin

My Love to her.

Addressed: To / Mr William Temple Franklin / at Mrs Franklins / Perth Amboy / B Free Franklin

Notation: B. Franklin Esqr to his Grand child. Phila Sepr. 28th. 1776

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4BF had been elected two days before as one of the commissioners to France, and he took WTF with him.

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