James Ewing and Michael Swoope to the Pennsylvania Convention, 23 September 1776
James Ewing and Michael Swoope3 to the Pennsylvania Convention
LS: Morristown National Historical Park
Dated Septr. 23d. 1776. Fort Constitution4
We the Subscribers do beg Leave to recommend the Bearer Mr. James Lang Lieutenant in The Pennsylvania Battalion of Musquetry, for the Commission of Captain (there being at present a Vacancy in said Battalion). We further beg Leave to represent him as a very proper and fit Person for said Post.5
James Ewing Br. Gl.
Mich. Swoope Colol.
To the Honorable Benjn Franklin Esqr President of the Convention
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
3. For Gen. James Ewing (1736–1806) see the DAB, and for Col. Swoope the letter from York above, Aug. 31, 1775.
4. Better known as Fort Lee, on the west side of the Hudson facing Fort Washington in upper Manhattan.
5. For Lang see the preceding document.