The Pennsylvania Convention: Order to Pay George Ross and Others, 12 August 1776: résumé
The Pennsylvania Convention: Order to Pay George Ross and Others7
ALS: Rosenbach Foundation
<August 12, 1776: A note to the council of safety to pay George Ross, Timothy Matlack, and Henry Slagle £10,000 in the public service of the state of Pennsylvania, signed by Franklin as president of the convention, attested by John Morris, Jr., as secretary, and addressed to Jno. M. Nesbitt.8 Below Franklin’s signature is an order to pay, dated August 13 and signed by Thomas Wharton, Jr., president of the council of safety. On the verso is a receipt, signed by Slagle, that he has received the full sum from Nesbitt.>
7. Pursuant to an order of the convention, of the same day, for setting up the flying camp in New Jersey; Ross, Matlack, and Slagle had been appointed commissioners for that purpose. Force, 5 Amer. Arch., II, 20.
8. For Timothy Matlack and John Nesbitt, treasurer of the council of safety, see the DAB, and for Henry Slagle, a col. of associators, William H. Egle, “The Constitutional Convention of 1776,” PMHB, IV (1880), 361–2.