Benjamin Franklin Papers

John Hancock to the Commissioners to Canada, 24 May 1776

John Hancock to the Commissioners to Canada

ALS (letterbook draft): National Archives

Philada. May 24th. 1776.


By the enclosed Resolves of Congress which I do myself the Honour of transmitting, you will perceive that every Step has been taken to procure hard Money that could be devised.

I have forwarded to Genl. Schuyler by this Conveyance the Sum of sixteen Hundred and sixty two Pounds one Shilling and three Pence in hard Money, which was all that was in the Treasury.9 Genl. Washington arrived here yesterday Afternoon in good Health, the Congress having requested his Attendance in order to consult him on the Operations of the approaching Campaign, and such other Matters as should be necessary. I have the Honour to be Gentlemen, your most obedient and very humble Servant

J H. Prst.

The Honble B. Franklyn Saml. Chase, and Charls Carrol, Commissioner in Canada

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9On May 18 and 22 Congress ordered the immediate dispatch to Canada of some cash recently brought in by ship, of all that remained in the treasury, and of all that could be procured elsewhere. Schuyler was to be informed that, if the total sent him would not buy enough locally to maintain the army, more supplies would be purchased and shipped northward. JCC, IV, 365–6, 375–8. On the 26th BF, in or near New York, met two officers carrying specie to the commissioners; see the following document.

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